Saturday, September 20, 2008

Perfect Fall Day Bike Ride

Anne posted a ride to the LaneHogs list serv for a 50 mile ride starting at 8:30 am from the bike shop in Vermillion. Four of us showed up; Anne, Joe, Kwen, and myself. We headed down the road to Burbank, Elk Point, and Jefferson where we turned around and came back. We all rode together and chatted and had a very enjoyable time. A few miles from Vermillion Kwen and I let the youngsters go ahead and we slowed to a more comfortable pace.

I was thinking how fun the ride was and how cycling has the ability to bring people together who may not normally hang out together otherwise. For example today, we had a minister, an undergraduate student/track star, a computer geek who is a master yoga and martial arts instructor, and myself (a nurse involved in higher ed). Four people that ranged in age from early 20's to 50's, all with different backgrounds. The love of the bike creates a special bond. Heck, if everyone rode a bike I'm sure we could attain world peace!


bikingbrady said...

Big Oil will be fire bombing your house soon for such a radical idea! I however agree (I was already on the list).

CDV said...


Wish I could have been there but we were enjoying the Omaha Zoo for the day.

Anonymous said...

Ya'll should have rode up to Parker for coffee and sweetrolls with us!

Unknown said...

I thought of meeting you folks in Parker - but there were two things that made me decide not to: 1. chip seal and having to battle the south wind on the way back!

Tez said...